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January 11, 2010


Sometimes little things sneak into a day and surprise you with a jolt of grace that can be felt all the way through to the toes.

Today I was surprised by some connections. I was surprised that I have been heard in several places where I had thought otherwise. I was surprised by unpredictable and unlikely affirmation from some people in our congregation. I was surprised by my productivity. I was surprised by several unexpected and to some degree unimaginable things...little things.

I like surprises.

(and I'm continuing to work on praying the Examen at various times during the day - I'll post more toward the end of this week.)

January 10, 2010

Sunday night

Had a really good day today. A lot of the things I've been working on at my church are finally coming together.

This is good.

Feeling like I can live into this week carrying the 'good' of the morning with me.

Praying that I can become more connected with a spiritual rhythm that becomes as natural as breathing.

This week... more praying the Examen and some Lectio Divina.


OK...just so you's still the 9th somewhere so this post has to 'count' as January 9th since I haven't slept yet.

Today was a day for making new friends. I love that. I finally got to meet some people my husband has talked about at length for a couple of months. They are all he said they were.

The really wonderful thing is that I like them as much as he does.

God is good. Friendship can definitely fit into the realm of "spiritual practice"...